I finished drying my hair still trying to recall last nights events but my memories evaded me. I slipped on a pair of a dark skinny jeans, a grey Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt and a long navy cardigan. I was definitely feeling the effects of last night. I fastened the buckle of my silver gladiator sandals - I was feeling a mix of hot and cold at the moment. I hope I'm not coming down with something. I shuffled to my wardrobe pulling out a silver Mulberry tote, I stuffed all my useless junk in it and grabbed my black ray-bans as I walked out the door.
I got to the entrance of the Crowne Plaza as I stepped out the door, the sunlight hit me and made my blinding headache even worse. I rumbled around my hand bag trying to find the sunglasses I had only just put in. Ughh, ever find that you have so much stuff in your bag you can't even find a single thing? Ohh look, an apple! Finally! I thought as I eventually found them and slid them over my straining eyes. I strolled the 3 blocks to our usual Starbucks and glanced through the glass exterior to see Amanda with a book one hand and a coffee in the other. At the table sat another cup, Ohh Amanda, ever the thought full one.
''Hey girlie, what happened to you last night?'' She said as I gingerly sat down at the table, silently cursing her for being so loud. Thinking about it, she could be whispering and it would still sound louder than a fighter jet.
''Yeah well, I was hoping you could maybe help me on that one because I seem to draw a blank every time I try,'' I replied hoping terribly that she would at least unlock a memory bank that would help me remember some of the night before.
''Well you met that gorgeous guy who knocked you over in the restaurant and you pretty much made it clear that you weren't interested in anyone else but I'm not surprised you can't remember because you were knocking back Tequila like there was no tomorrow. I found myself a cute brown haired guy to go home with and I just assumed that the cutie from dinner had made sure you got home safely. I mean he didn't seem like a creeper but are you okay?'' She asked with a concerned tone in her voice.
''Eh yeah, I'm fine. Just got a major hangover. I think he must of just got me to my room and then left but he did leave me this though,'' I bent down and rolled up the bottom of the leg of my jean and showed her the number.
''Aww, that is too cute. You should definitely call him, well only if you want to obviously. If you don't then I will.'' She said jokingly but knowing Amanda I knew she probably would if she was pushed.
She let the subject drop after that and filled me in on the guy she had taken home the night before and then she used a particularly hilarious quote to sum up him up, ''When Sid colours he uses every crayon in his box''. That was it, I burst out laughing and I honestly didn't care that I was getting looks from the entire cafe, I instantly felt better. I guess laughter really is the best medicine. I felt a vibration against my foot and picked up my bag and found my cell phone in a small pocket. I looked at the caller id, it was my agent.
''Sweetie I really have to take this call and I should probably get going as well,'' I said getting up from the table.
''Sure babe, see you soon!'' She called as I began walking out of the coffee shop. I pressed accept on the touch screen on my cell phone.
''Marissa darling, we need you and Leo in Pittsburgh tonight for a meet and greet to promote the new movie, m'kay?'' Ughhh! George always does this, calls me at the last minute and tells me I need to be somewhere. Can't he understand that I might actually have plans, I don't but still.
''Hello to you too. Yeah, okay just send a car for me at the hotel in an hour or something. Bye!'' I said cutting him off before he could start ranting at me about something I had done wrong or about how ungrateful I am. With the cut he's getting from my pay check he should be thanking me. I sighed heavily, I guess I better get packing then.