Sunday, 26 July 2009

Chapter 5: The Lunch

Hi :-) I'm back and I'm trying my best to write as good an update as possible, please leave a comment telling me what you think, I love getting feedback - negative or positive, everything helps :-)

I finished drying my hair still trying to recall last nights events but my memories evaded me. I slipped on a pair of a dark skinny jeans, a grey Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt and a long navy cardigan. I was definitely feeling the effects of last night. I fastened the buckle of my silver gladiator sandals - I was feeling a mix of hot and cold at the moment. I hope I'm not coming down with something. I shuffled to my wardrobe pulling out a silver Mulberry tote, I stuffed all my useless junk in it and grabbed my black ray-bans as I walked out the door.

I got to the entrance of the Crowne Plaza as I stepped out the door, the sunlight hit me and made my blinding headache even worse. I rumbled around my hand bag trying to find the sunglasses I had only just put in. Ughh, ever find that you have so much stuff in your bag you can't even find a single thing? Ohh look, an apple! Finally! I thought as I eventually found them and slid them over my straining eyes. I strolled the 3 blocks to our usual Starbucks and glanced through the glass exterior to see Amanda with a book one hand and a coffee in the other. At the table sat another cup, Ohh Amanda, ever the thought full one.

''Hey girlie, what happened to you last night?'' She said as I gingerly sat down at the table, silently cursing her for being so loud. Thinking about it, she could be whispering and it would still sound louder than a fighter jet.

''Yeah well, I was hoping you could maybe help me on that one because I seem to draw a blank every time I try,'' I replied hoping terribly that she would at least unlock a memory bank that would help me remember some of the night before.

''Well you met that gorgeous guy who knocked you over in the restaurant and you pretty much made it clear that you weren't interested in anyone else but I'm not surprised you can't remember because you were knocking back Tequila like there was no tomorrow. I found myself a cute brown haired guy to go home with and I just assumed that the cutie from dinner had made sure you got home safely. I mean he didn't seem like a creeper but are you okay?'' She asked with a concerned tone in her voice.

''Eh yeah, I'm fine. Just got a major hangover. I think he must of just got me to my room and then left but he did leave me this though,'' I bent down and rolled up the bottom of the leg of my jean and showed her the number.

''Aww, that is too cute. You should definitely call him, well only if you want to obviously. If you don't then I will.'' She said jokingly but knowing Amanda I knew she probably would if she was pushed.

She let the subject drop after that and filled me in on the guy she had taken home the night before and then she used a particularly hilarious quote to sum up him up, ''When Sid colours he uses every crayon in his box''. That was it, I burst out laughing and I honestly didn't care that I was getting looks from the entire cafe, I instantly felt better. I guess laughter really is the best medicine. I felt a vibration against my foot and picked up my bag and found my cell phone in a small pocket. I looked at the caller id, it was my agent.

''Sweetie I really have to take this call and I should probably get going as well,'' I said getting up from the table.

''Sure babe, see you soon!'' She called as I began walking out of the coffee shop. I pressed accept on the touch screen on my cell phone.

''Marissa darling, we need you and Leo in Pittsburgh tonight for a meet and greet to promote the new movie, m'kay?'' Ughhh! George always does this, calls me at the last minute and tells me I need to be somewhere. Can't he understand that I might actually have plans, I don't but still.

''Hello to you too. Yeah, okay just send a car for me at the hotel in an hour or something. Bye!'' I said cutting him off before he could start ranting at me about something I had done wrong or about how ungrateful I am. With the cut he's getting from my pay check he should be thanking me. I sighed heavily, I guess I better get packing then.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Information; Please read this :-)

Hey guys, you may of noticed that I haven't updated in a while this is because I've been pretty blocked so I decided rather than write a second rate chapter, I'd wait until I could sit down and write a 5 star one :-)

Is there anything you guys would like to see happen in the story? Your opinion always counts :-)

I'm going away for the weekend with my family to visit the newest edition to our family, as my cousins just become a dad :-) Over the weekend I'll have a think and on Sunday night when I get back I'll sit down, work out a chapter and post it on Sunday night or Monday morning, sound good?

I just want to thanks you all for the brilliant comments :-) Getting feedback just makes writing all the more worthwhile :-D THANK YOU!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Chapter 4: The Number.

I love all your comments :-) They just make me want to update faster, haha :-D Just a short one, sorry :-(. It's a little bit of a teaser for chapter 5, haha ;-)

I opened my weighted eyelids to the warm sunlight pouring in from the window in my hotel room. I began to try to sit up, but as I raised my head and torso from the bed sheets, the room began to spin. Hangover - brilliant. Hang on a minute- what the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember was downing a shot of tequila and after that - nothing. How did I get back to my hotel? Shit, Max! Dear God, please don't let me of slept with him. I looked down at my half naked body, I was left in my bra and panties, surely if I can't remember anything then I can't of been in a sober enough state to undress myself, someone must of done it for me. I turn my head cautiously to the side of my bed and catch a glimpse of my mobile sitting on the edge of the wooden bedside table. Taking a hold of it and lighting up the screen, I have 6 missed calls - 4 from Amanda, the other 2 from Serena. Well that counts them out, they definitely wouldn't of called that many times had they of taken me home. So that leaves either Katie or this Max person. I know nothing about this guy, well at least I think I don't anyway. I make my way down my contacts list and land on Amanda and press the centre button that says call.

''Hello?'' I say, knowing that she'll more than likely be bright and breezy this morning - she's weird like that.

''Marissa, I've been trying to call you all morning. Breakfast at Starbucks in a half hour? You can explain what happened then, haha.'' She said and laughed in her usual giddy tone.

''Ehh yeah, okay.'' I replied wondering if she could tell me anymore than I already knew.

I slowly rose from the bed and made my way at a glacial pace into the bathroom, grabbing two advil from my purse on the way there. I took a glass from the shelf above the sink, holding it up to the light to make sure it was clean. Even in the state I was in, it was a ritual that needed to be performed no matter the circumstances. I let the water run until it was as cold as ice and filled my glass full to the narrowly curving brim. Taking the pills in my mouth and swallowing them quickly, I began to drink the rest of the water, praying it would somehow help my awful hangover.

I decided that I was in desperate need of a shower, I removed the rest of the clothing I had left. Turned the shower on and stepped in, just letting the warm water run over my body. I reached for the shampoo and that's when I noticed it. Written in small numbers on my calf. It was obviously a phone number, I inspected it closely and then I saw just after the number, a hyphen and then a name -Max. Surprisingly I found myself smiling. Why?

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Chapter 3: Mmmm....

Thanks for all the comments :-) Keep them coming :-D Here's a teaser: Chapter 4 will surprise you all :-P

None of us questioned Katie's remark about Max, we knew better not too. In the one event when we did ask her about a guy, she told us exactly how she knew him. From that point on neither of us wanted to know about Katie's escapades, we knew we'd only end up worrying about her more than we already do. Instead the three of us exchanged the usual look, the one that says: lets not go there tonight.

''What?'' Katie said as she caught our eyes darting towards each other.

''Nothing,'' We spoke unanimously and began to laugh as we realised how strange we all must of sounded.

The rest of our dinner went like clockwork. Each of us discussing the gossip we had all heard during our time apart - deciding whether it was the truth or all lies. Trading stories about the guys we had hooked up with, ofcourse I was my usual ''I'm permanently single'' self. To which the girls all told me ''The right one will come along soon''. They had been telling me this for last four years, with breaks inbetween for which ever asshole I happened to be seeing that week. Along with my thoughts about how I scared men off with my confidence and intelligence, I also wondered about whether on the file that all directors have about each actor or actress they have worked with, I figured mine must have, Marissa Jones: Destined To A Life With Her Cats, that's why I get all the parts, they must feel sorry me. I expressed my concerns with my friends who ofcourse said this was absolute rubbish. I agreed with them but in the back of my mind a little voice said they were wrong.

''Lets go to a club!'' Katie said as we payed for the evenings food and drinks. I wasn't really in the mood to go out but I didn't want to disappoint the others, I had bored them enough with my cat lady stories, time for some real fun.

''Definately.'' I tried to make it sound like I actually wanted to go but I'm not sure they were convinced as I caught Amanda sneaking a tell tale look to Serena.

We hailed a cab which smelled mildly like cheese but lets not go into what goes on these cabs. Katie gave the driver directions. As we sat in the many queues of traffic around the city, I began to think. Yes, I know me thinking is never a good thing. Tonight I was just going to let my hair down, I wasn't going to be picky, I was going to have a good time, No! Make that an amazing time! After at least 25 minutes of sitting in the same line of traffic that clearly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, we decided just to pay the guy and walk the two blocks to the club. It was time for me to use my celebrity status. I let the photographers take a few pictures and then I turned my attention to the bouncer. He was a big burly man with a black jacket and an overly large nose, but he also had a list. The man with the list was who I wanted to see. This time however I didn't have to say a word he simply opened the door and inward we went. Sometimes it pays to be have a well known face.

After a few rounds of drinks I was most definately ready to dance, the four of us took to the dance floor and pretty soon I was dancing with numerous guys. Sorry I forgot to add there, numerous freaking HOT guys. I had turned my back and was grinding up against someone when I sensed a change of hands. I began to smell something that was turning me on extremely quickly. I felt big hands on either side of my hips, pulling me closer to his body. I straightened up and he moved a hand away from my right hip, brushed the hair away from neck and kissed the join where it met my shoulder. I moaned quietly. I turned and saw those plain brown eyes staring back at me again.

''I was hoping I'd see you again,'' He brought me closer than I thought was physically possible and whispered softly in my ear. My body shuddering at the feeling of his hot breath on my skin.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Chapter 2: A Knock Out

I love getting comments, they really make me want to write more :-) So I decided to just post the next chapter tonight since I'm buzzing, Jessie will know why :-D

As the afternoon wore on, I decided I should probably just head back to my hotel. I walked the same streets I had walked my whole life and it still amazed me, the city in all it's boldness. The architecture, the people, the general buzz. I was born and bred right here in New York City. Just my mom and me in a 2 bedroom apartment in Manhattan, yes believe it or not middle class people actually live in Manhattan. Somehow it gets a reputation as being full of wealthy socialites but honestly some hard working people own apartments and houses there. My mother and father seperated when I was younger, nothing dramatic ever happened - they just didn't work out. There was no nasty divorce, no loud arguements and nothing thrown at anyones head. Their still on good terms, for me but mostly because before they married they were friends and friendship is the base for any marriage. The Crowne Plaza is situated on Times Square, I walked into the lobby to find a bus load of men all standing at reception, thinking nothing of it I got in the elevator, made my way to my room and subsequently fell asleep on my wonderfully confortable king size bed.

Meowwww, Meowwww. Effing cats! Yep, I even get to keep my cats in my room, they're house cats incase you were wondering. I woke up to a cat stamping across my chest, quite obviously looking for food - Whiska's is all they'll eat. I checked the time, 5:07pm. Perfect timing. I hopped into the shower. Water- now thats an amazing thing, dontcha think? I wrapped a towel around myself, walked into the bedroom and stood infront of the mirror. Not bad actually. I put on a robe, plugged in my hair dryer and blasted my hair, I wasn't too bothered about looking absolutely stunning. I let it fall in its blonde waves, it stopped mid-way down my back. I had considered getting electric blue through it just to be a little different, know what I mean? I sweeped my side fringe to side, running my hands through my hair. I slipped on a purple strapless mini dress from Marchesa, tan coloured Jimmy Choo heels and quickly grabbed a little gold clutch bag from my night stand on my way out the door.

I walked casually through the lobby, I was bound to get noticed. My names Marissa Jones. I've been in a few films- that new one with Leo DiCaprio, ring any bells? Anyway I continued into the restaurant in the far corner, through the double doors and I stopped, swept the room looking for my girls. There they were right in the centre, waving like blithering idiots. All three of them were my saviours on days like these when I felt awful. Amanda, the vice president of some big ass investment company. Always has her iphone with her, it does not go further than 4 feet from her palm. When she lets her hair down she does it with style. Serena, the artist. Her flame coloured locks stood out a mile off, she was always creating new things whether it be on canvas or on the corner of a napkin. But what stands out most about her is her sense of humour, she's always cracking jokes to lighten the mood. Katie, the sex symbol of the four of us. She can make any man go to bed with her. She's elegant but flirtacious and most definately a tease. I'm almost sure she does it without even noticing.

I started to make my way over to the table when I caught someone out of the corner of my eye headed towards me from my right. They walked into me, knocking from my feet and onto the ground. Instictively I grabbed onto whoever it was, taking them to the deck with me. I opened my closed blue eyes to plain brown ones and a man with the cheekiest grin on his face.

''Hey,'' He said as if we were meeting casually and not as if he was laying on top of me, crushing me. Did he actually think I was up for a conversation with him?

Before I had to come up with a witty comeback, his arms were around me lifting me back onto my feet. I looked at him with his cute little grin and his black rimmed glasses. I ran my gaze over his body. Shit, stop checking him out. My gaze stopped at his abs which were quite clearly outlined by the shirt he was wearing. Ohh shit, did it again! I looked at his face which was now plastered with an even bigger grin.

''Max! Lets go, Now!'' I heard a baritone voice call from the lobby. I turned to see a tall blonde man with a disgusted look on his face.

''Bye beautiful,'' The man whos name was now obviously Max said as he began walking. I followed him as he strolled to where a group of men were standing. He turned and looked back and winked at me still with a cheeky grin on his face.

I sat down at my table and was bombarded with questions, what happened? What did he say? Then Katie held her hand infront of her as notice that the other two should stop talking immediately.

''So Max Talbot ehh, must mean the Penguins are in town,'' She said with a devilish grin on her face.

Chapter 1: The Chat Show

''So Marissa hows life in your new apartment?'' The talk show host questioned. All anyone asked me was questions. My love life, my friends, my career, my houses but none of them ever asked how I was, how I felt. It had always annoyed but as the studio lights blinded me I held my tongue once more.

''Well Frank, life in the big city is as busy as always, my new apartments coming along great. I'm having Henry Holland decorate it for me, so I can't wait for it to be finished. Right now I'm actually staying in Crowne Plaza, it's a little strange living in a hotel but the room service is great!'' I replied with a big smile on my face. The audience began laughing at my little joke at the end. It always amazed me how in my head I would be thinking one thing and I would start saying another. I was always trying to please everyone.

''Still single?'' He said with a little smirk on his face. That's great, embaress me about my permanantly single status infront on live television. I know he doesn't decide what questions have to be asked but he could of had a heart and 'accidently' left that one out.

''Yeah, it's really hard to find the right guy in this city. Half of them are married and the rest are only after one thing. I'm still looking though.'' I replied. The truth was I was kind of hoping that one day I would stumble across Mr Right and we would live happily ever after. No such luck.

Here I was, 22, living alone in New York, well all except for my 2 cats, Mindy and Zelda but they're not big on the talking front. Two Oscars and 1 Golden Globe under my belt. An apartment in the Trump Towers, a house in the Hamptons and yet still no decent man in my life. My assistant Craig is constantly by my side, even he's had more boyfriends than I have! Ofcourse I'd had boyfriends, three male models, and one egotistical actor. That's the final count. My days were filled with gorgeous men, at the gym, on set, in stores and even just walking down the street. I was confident and hungry for success and I worked hard to get where I am now. After many conversations with Craig I finally decided that I scared men away because I wasn't one of those women who needed security and wanted protection. I wasn't afraid to speak my mind about issues, I figured I needed a man who could match how fiesty I was, someone who could cope with my flare and aggresiveness- when I wanted something that involved my career nothing and nobody could stand in my way from getting it. Anyway back to reality.

''Well that's all we have time for folks, we'll see you again next week!'' The host said. Thank God it was over I didn't think I could of taken another minute of interigation from him. He was orange, smarmy and on air he was the perfect gentleman but as soon as the camera stopped rolling he most definately wasn't the nicest of people.

I bypassed everyone on my way out and just walked right out the front doors, it took around 3 minutes for Craig to catch up with me. Hmm, usually it only takes two minutes - he must be having bad day. Thats makes two of us.

''Remember you have dinner with the girls tonight in the hotel restaurant,'' Ahh, my girls. The only people in the world who were capable of making me smile even on the darkest of days. I couldn't wait to see them . . . . . . . . .

New Blog :-)

Okay, I've finally decided to start my new story :-) The first chapter should be up later tonight so keep an eye out for it :-D

I'm going to put an equal amount of work into both my stories so don't worry :-) I'm really excited about this one though!