Saturday 11 July 2009

Chapter 4: The Number.

I love all your comments :-) They just make me want to update faster, haha :-D Just a short one, sorry :-(. It's a little bit of a teaser for chapter 5, haha ;-)

I opened my weighted eyelids to the warm sunlight pouring in from the window in my hotel room. I began to try to sit up, but as I raised my head and torso from the bed sheets, the room began to spin. Hangover - brilliant. Hang on a minute- what the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember was downing a shot of tequila and after that - nothing. How did I get back to my hotel? Shit, Max! Dear God, please don't let me of slept with him. I looked down at my half naked body, I was left in my bra and panties, surely if I can't remember anything then I can't of been in a sober enough state to undress myself, someone must of done it for me. I turn my head cautiously to the side of my bed and catch a glimpse of my mobile sitting on the edge of the wooden bedside table. Taking a hold of it and lighting up the screen, I have 6 missed calls - 4 from Amanda, the other 2 from Serena. Well that counts them out, they definitely wouldn't of called that many times had they of taken me home. So that leaves either Katie or this Max person. I know nothing about this guy, well at least I think I don't anyway. I make my way down my contacts list and land on Amanda and press the centre button that says call.

''Hello?'' I say, knowing that she'll more than likely be bright and breezy this morning - she's weird like that.

''Marissa, I've been trying to call you all morning. Breakfast at Starbucks in a half hour? You can explain what happened then, haha.'' She said and laughed in her usual giddy tone.

''Ehh yeah, okay.'' I replied wondering if she could tell me anymore than I already knew.

I slowly rose from the bed and made my way at a glacial pace into the bathroom, grabbing two advil from my purse on the way there. I took a glass from the shelf above the sink, holding it up to the light to make sure it was clean. Even in the state I was in, it was a ritual that needed to be performed no matter the circumstances. I let the water run until it was as cold as ice and filled my glass full to the narrowly curving brim. Taking the pills in my mouth and swallowing them quickly, I began to drink the rest of the water, praying it would somehow help my awful hangover.

I decided that I was in desperate need of a shower, I removed the rest of the clothing I had left. Turned the shower on and stepped in, just letting the warm water run over my body. I reached for the shampoo and that's when I noticed it. Written in small numbers on my calf. It was obviously a phone number, I inspected it closely and then I saw just after the number, a hyphen and then a name -Max. Surprisingly I found myself smiling. Why?


  1. lol, that was cute!
    Keep up the awesome work*

  2. Haha! Now I want to know what happened! I love how he wrote his number on her leg. Very cute!

  3. on her leg? huh, with Max she's lucky it's not a tattoo...or is it?

  4. this is a great start to everything..cant wait or the next update
